CPP grassroots diminished in election, observers say

The Cambodian People’s Party is declaring victory in a round of sub-national elections that were held Sunday, but observers say the latest polls diminished some of the ruling party’s power at the grassroots. The CPP on Monday claimed 2,543 seats in leadership positions at the city, provincial and district level. … Observers say the gains made by the opposition will change the look of politics at the local council level. “The councils from the opposition party will push for changes of habit in some responsibilities and at least in the administration in the provinces and districts,” said Puthea Hang, head of the election monitor Nicfec. In those areas won by the opposition, development projects and concession projects that can lead to forced evictions and land grabs will be more closely scrutinized, he said. …

Sok Khemara and Suy Heimkhemra